Sales forecast creation and adjustment in the Numerik app
STEP 1: Navigate to the scorecard page by tapping on the Numerik logo in the top left-hand corner.
STEP 2: Select scorecards from the side menu.
STEP 3: Once on the scorecards screen, then tap on forecasts at the top right.
STEP 4: Then select the scorecard you would like to forecast on.
STEP 5: Adjust this number to what you believe the customer will achieve in revenue this period. The numbers can be adjusted up and down using the plus and minus buttons, or you can click on the number and manually enter the amount.
For additional data on a customer:
Tap the customer’s name which brings up drilldown options where you can tap on product group or product level and view the customer’s revenue at the product group and product level along with several other options. You can also take actions from options at the bottom of the screen.