Released to Production: 14th November 2023
Version: 41cc9cc9
NK-3523 - Company setting for customer codes updated.
NK-3591 Customer list -update design
NK-3627 UI issues - sprint 66: Fixed uploading a video on a post, loading button and time remaining look weird.
NK-3627 UI issues - sprint 66: Fixed weird black outline inside the box of highlighted section, revenue and default (editing scorecard in info section).
NK-3627 UI issues - sprint 66: Changed no recent activity banner to grey.
NK-3627 UI issues - sprint 66: Fixed the inconsistent loaders underneath a customer. Some do this, some show a normal loading spinner in the component itself.
NK-3627 UI issues - sprint 66: Updated the clear all button is still in the same place, but it now saves after it clears the filters. It will leave the popup open.
NK-3627 UI issues - sprint 66: Updated Posts: โTo' (and any other labels here) sentence case and less gap between label and value.
NK-3627 UI issues - sprint 66: Clicking on the Forecast column in the grid creates an unreadable pop-up. Pop-up has been updated to use modern components that match our theme.
NK-3627 UI issues - sprint 66: Error state hover-over for desktop scorecards has been fixed.
NK-3607 PubAPI - Add Opportunities to Activity API
NK-3012 Showing Customer Comparison when you're not fixed.
NIX-1001 Handle customer friendly view for customer routing scenarios updated.
NIX-955 Route views to info tab for Regular scorecard updated.
NK-3409 Don't spam sentry with permission denied errors if someone denies us permission to send push notifications.
NIX-1076 Show opportunities in pipeline tab for shared customers updated.
NIX-1027 Show key number 'Total Revenue' for a selected Target updated.
PRF-100 User Claims Caching.
NK-3704 Transaction search returns multiple rows for the same transactionID fixed.
NK-3711 Opportunities not infinite loading fixed.